Well folks. Looks like this is my future. (Bahahahahahhaahahahahaaaaa) Dem babies in ma belly are BOYS!!
(The swaddles are actually their real baby blankets! Special little bonus. )
My SIL suggested I should post a pic of the boys when I found out I was having twins and since I was already certain they were boys back
then, I started thinking of ways to use them as the gender announcement instead. Totally creepy and also way hysterical, yes? :-0
As an identical twin, I think it will be fun for Adam to raise identical boys! I told his parents that he gets to experience exactly what he put
them through. To which they wished me luck but said they were “good kids.” 😉 The older they get, the less they look alike. At least to us.
There really was no need for this shot but the above pic makes them looks so serious and they are far from that. Funny how when they smile
they don’t look that much alike? We are celebrating them turning 33 at the end of the month! Happy early birthday Adam and Eric!
Since all the twin dreams I have had are of boys, we’ve been embracing it for months. We didn’t even have much of a reaction when we
saw their penises on the Ultrasound. Just kind of said, “yep.” Nice to be able to start thinking of names so we can stop calling them copy and
paste or Hanz and Franz. 🙂 And no, we are NOT continuing the N theme, which was a coincidence in the first place! They are barely divided
by a thin membrane by the way. Which the US tech said makes sense for them to be identical as they presented earlier on. I guess it’s up to
us to have the tests run at birth to be certain. Other than that, they appear to be moving lots and providing the occasional butt helmet for
each other. Going on 16 wks soon! Woohooo! Heart, Outnumbered (Melanie)