So I’ve had two sessions this week postponed. Since my babysitter decided college and her future are more important than my children, I’m
embracing the extra time in office with my children pulling on my skirt demanding my attention. I had taken Nico’s monthly pic which Nori
typically demands to be a part of and I just had to share their sweetness. How are we so blessed to have such beautiful children??
Of course since Nico is nakie, Nori has to be too. Jealous much? They are really REALLY loving playing together now. It’s kind of like why
people buy a second dog, to entertain the other one all day. Well I’m glad I have two tiny humans to play while I pretend to accomplish
things while they are home. I haven’t weighed them recently but I’m certain he’s passed her. They were only 2 lbs different 5 wks ago.
Since he now eats his own dinner THEN FINISHES hers, he’s breaking my back.
My handsome little wrecking ball is 9 mths, y’all! He for sure is painfully cute and INTO everything. He moves a mile a minute and we
can barely keep up. The best part is his little personality blooming through his deviance. He just claps and laughs as I scream
NOOOOOOOO NICOOOOOO 800 times an hour. He cruises around furniture so fast and starting to free stand which means only bad
news for mommy, sooner than later. But seriously, how can you get mad at this face?
He’s laughing and dancing to Nori singing him songs. He feeds off Nori’s laughter. My heart just melts when they laugh together. Especially
when they giggle and chase each other. I can’t handle it!
Just after the frame on the left, his excitement landed him on his back in the weeds. I sat him up and he clapped at himself and tried
to do it again. Total boy.
I also got to spend some of my freed up afternoon with my Godson, Nolan! He’s growing, but he still seems so teeny next to my giant baby.
Hello cutie!
Three months already!
Haha. 🙂
Us Paces sure make some adorable kids. 🙂 That is all. Heart, Melanie.