
Nico’s off to school!

This kid here, big things coming for him. We’ve been very excited for his first day for quite awhile now. We talk about it all the time. You know,

“Once you start Kindergarten, you can’t fling yourself off the coffee table into 3 somersaults on the floor anymore!” “In Kindergarten, you

can’t whine like your 2yr old brothers when you don’t feel like eating what’s for dinner..” “You won’t make any friends if you keep

picking your nose.” You get the idea here, we’ve been really ready for the big day to come to say the least. Bahaha. I’m super not pumped

about routines and all the activities happening again now, but this kid is super stoked to learn.

The babies cried the entire time I was trying to say goodbye.  Ezra grabbed the door frame of the exit and wouldn’t let me leave Nico

behind.  I was all, “pull it together, babies! I’m the one who is supposed to be crying!”

He asked to take this picture because he remembered me doing it with Nori on her first day. You know, everrrrything is about what Nori did.

“Was this Nori’s seat too?” “Did Nori have homework every night too?” “Did Nori get to walk in all by herself.” He’s excited to be a school

ager like big sis. It’s super sweet.

The first thing he told Mrs. Steioff is that he picked this outfit because it was red and white like CO’s colors. Nico G. Pace, reporting

for school. My sister asked where his briefcase was.  HA! So true. 🙂


I turned my back to get the babies and he started drawing on her board. Oops.  The kid sees markers and has to draw. :0

I can’t wait to hear how well his first day went! He’s been doing all the stuff with Nori the last couple years that I forget this is like

the first official time he’s a school ager.

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