

 a couple weekends ago britt, ali and i had the pleasure of going to columbus for the nkotbsb concert. back in the winter, ben and our hubs got together and planned for a girls weekend.  we have family up there so it was perfect for us to drive up, have rides to and from the concert, stay overnight and outlet shop on the way back to cincy. it was all going to be a surprise for ali’s birthday, but when she got sick in march, ben decided to tell ali just in case she wouldn’t be up for it. ya right, anything involving a chance to hang out, DRESS UP and dance together, we are allll over it. 🙂 here’s a little taste of the awesomeness that went down. i know, it’s hard not to be jealous. we don’t half ass dressing up, ever.

real deal tights from my cousin’s 80’s dance costume. we tried to get her to wear the matching tank, but she didn’t have the guts. lame.

our cousin jen is a “master teaser.” i’m sure she won some sort of an award in the 90’s for the highest bangs. no joke. it. was. incredible.


thanks to shane for capturing the radicalness. this is what life is all about friends. acting goofy and having fun. one day our kids will be so proud of these pics. right?  i’ll tell you what, nori can’t get enough of all these images. she giggles like she knows we were being silly.

this is a recreation of a shot we took at the last new kids concert we went to in the 80’s together. went i texted out this pic, everyone responded, OMG! flashback!!! haha. good stuff. 🙂

of course dad couldn’t find the exact pic we wanted, so these will have to do! the second is just to show how much we loved the 80s. and matching. or maybe not matching but ‘correlating.’ we hated it then and yet we now do it to all the nieces. hahaha!  

i love that you took this pic of the aunts. hilarious. debbie was working 2 iphones at once. i love it.i had to kiss olivia’s squishy cheeks on the way out. big girl turns one in less than a month!!!!!!

here’s a couple iphone pics. yes, that’s jordan knight on the top right about 15 rows in front of us. you better believe the 3 of us were jumping and screaming with our arms up, “we LOOOOOOVE  you JOOOORDANNNNN!!!!!” and brian from bsb walked right next to us. i don’t know anything about bsb, but it was still fun to be starstruck for a sec. my friend sarah, is a huge bsb groupie (went to 3or4 of this concerts this yr! caaraazy) and she texted me saying they’ll be walking by soon. thanks for the heads up. speaking of sarah, that jerk kissed multiple band members since she was in the 2nd freakin’ row. haha. 10yr old melanie is liiike, totally for sure, jealous! 😉

 since ali tires very easily, we only went to the concert for a couple hrs. we got there after new kids went on so the wheel chair service upgraded our seats for us!! they put us in a perfect location where we didn’t have to stand and could see everything perfectly. and also, at one point they turned the house lights up and were talking about how people have been supporting nkotb for 25 yrs. (crazy isn’t that?) so we jumped up in perfect full sight of the band and screamed and shouted. jonathan pointed up to us, fist pumped, saying “NICE!!” a proud moment. 🙂 here’s some StepByStep chair dancing for you. ha!

[vimeo 27296221 nolink]

we couldn’t stay seated for hangin’ tough. who could??

[vimeo 27296135 nolink]

at one point britt and i looked at each other and just plain cracked up. here we are almost all over 30, acting like 15yr olds. when we closed our eyes, we felt young, hip and literally like the clock hasn’t ticked a day since the concert in the 80’s. no worries, no responsibilities, we had no concept of the emotional pain we’ve been feeling for months. we might as well have been invincible. then we opened our eyes, to my right ali sat with her ear plugs in (side effects from chemo is ringing of ears and the noise kills her head), glasses aren’t strong enough for her, sitting down cause she’s too weak to stand longer than a few minutes. i look down at my growing baby bump and burp up some nasty heart bump. yum. to my left is brittany in glasses, complaining of her engorged boobs letting down every time jordan hits a high note. haha. i can’t tell you how nice it was to close our eyes and forget everything in those 2 hours. to be teens together again. to have fun and not worry what tomorrow brings. it was so much fun. i didn’t want to leave cause i couldn’t let go of this surreal world. i want our lives to go back to how they were in february. (without subtracting mia and our baby boy of course 😉 )

tonight is ali’s big ROCK PINK FOR ALI benefit. it’s going to be a huge success. the last week has been a really hard one and we all, ali especially, needs your support now more than ever. it’s not even about coming out and giving money, it’s about being present and showing ali how many people are behind her.  she just spent the last week in the hospital receiving yet again, terrible news. the large tumor has grown to over 13cm and its wrapping itself around her pulmonary vein and wind pipe, leaving it inoperable. time is so crucial now, as we don’t know what each day will bring. we are still waiting on pfizer who will hopefully give us news monday, since she will then be 4 weeks out from the last chemo treatment. for now she just came home and has an iv pole to help fight the pneumonia also clouding her bad lung. thankfully she doesn’t have to stay hooked up and plans on attending tonight for a bit.

also, those who can’t make it tonight the donation site is up now. check it out here.

please please keep up the prayers. this is serious guys. i’m scared to death but i have not lost my hope. she will get accepted, the pill will work immediately and she will be cured. i know it. join me tonight in reminding ali that she has so much more time here on earth left. no worries sis. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

heart, smelli


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