Disclaimer: This post may waste your entire lunch break.
We’ve being going to Norris Lake for more than 20 years as a family, always mooching off my Uncle Rodger and Aunt Lisa by staying at
one of their various lake houses over the years. This is the 3rd trip since the new generation began. We skipped last year for a number
of reasons and it was so nice to go back again. Since so much has changed in both good ways and bad, it was different, but still very
enjoyable. And AT&T users still don’t get service, so I spent 5 days unplugged. YES.
We call this “monkey see, monkey do.”
This was Nico’s first trip and he loved it. Adam dropped him into the lake the first time, but after that he was jumping off the dock
with the rest of the big kids like it was no big deal.
Once you have kids, vacation isn’t really a vacation anymore. So we brought along Rachel because we all love her like family, she can
handle being with us crazies without going crazy AND she loves all the kids. WIN!
Rach brought this giant Megastation. It was perfect.
Adam bought an underwater case for his iPhone. That was fun to play with!
They have a two tiered dock which we like to jump off. Adam and I did a little superman flying above each other. 🙂
My cousin handed us down this awesome bouncehouse a bit ago and I brought it for downtime when we needed to cook etc. So glad I did
because it worked out perfectly! A few years ago I would have found it to be ridiculous to own one. Now, I think it’s flippin’ genius.
And then Adam let his 29 lb daughter beat the shi*t out of him. Bahaha.
We really were blessed with incredibly sweet loving kids. They love to kiss and hug and melt all of our hearts.
Pizza night.
I took Ella outside to have her read to me as she’s preparing to start FIRST GRADE! (She reads chapter books with ease. Crazy!)
Then the other monkeys joined one by one until poor Ella was almost forced off.
Nico fits the same mold. He loves to hug arms and legs as often as possible. In fact, I can’t remember the last meal I’ve eaten where one
of us didn’t have to sit close enough for him to hug our arm as he eats. Love this kid!
Tubing is always one of the highlights. This year they all tried. Ella and Anna wanted me to ride with them, which I loved. 🙂
Even Nico screamed to do it. He absolutely loved it. Obviously Poppi changed speeds according to the kids age but Nico laughed the
whole time. The kid has zero fear, which is extremely frightening as a parent!
And then it was mine and Rachel’s turn. Poppi wasn’t very nice.
One might have thought I spotted a shark with that expression on the left. Rachel’s response to the pics, “and you wonder why Nori
has such dramatic facial ecpressions?” HA!
Seriously the kid would have jumped off the boat if you took your hand off him. Being crazy is exhausting.
Anna is obsessed with Rach. Talks about her all the time and is thrilled when she knows she will get to see her. 🙂
Nico is obsessed with his Nonni. She hardly puts him down. Since she’s been begging for a boy her whole life, she’s hardly upset about that.
We grew up with my dad throwing us around and doing “tricks.” All the kids love it and Poppi thought it would be cute to do this. 🙂
We also did yoga at various times. If you follow me on IG then you know I’ve been doing daily yoga challenges the past couple months.
The guys wanted to try out some of the poses. 🙂
Adam and I have been have fun with acroyoga recently. The problem is there was no flat ground, so everything we tried was that much
harder! We didn’t want to practice inside on the wood floor because the grass is a lot more forgiving on my head. 😉
Nonni brought her jewelry stuff because the girls love making jewelry with her…even at 10pm.
One morning it was gloomy so we played a fun game. 🙂
Slip’n’ bleed from the anus slide was enjoyable only long enough till we thought we might over water the lawn. Then we promptly
stopped! Don’t worry Rodg, no grass was harmed. 😉
America’s largest and most reliable network. Verizon Wireless.
< That awkward moment…BAHAHA.
Yep, Adam was double fisting and darn near finished both! (One was extra and he refused to let soft serve go to waste.)
After 35 years, Poppi can finally match someone. 🙂
That wound on O’s forehead…a fight with concrete. D’oh.
When we got home I asked Nori what her favorite part about the trip was. “Ummm sleeping with Rachel and tubing with Daddy.” So sweet.
I brag about Rachel a lot, on here and to everyone in general. I mean, I’m not sorry about that. She truly is amazing and I’m so thankful to
have met her years ago. And her two sisters have also helped our family out so much too! Erin is currently Olivia’s nanny and Megan
was last summer. We all say, “Those Glankler girls. They’re the best.” True story. The trip was so much more relaxing have
her extra loving hands to help. So sad she’s back to college in a couple weeks. 🙁
Nonni and Poppi with their minions. These kids sure do love them! Their faces just light up when they come into the room. The kids
especially loved being able to jump on and wake them up each morning. 🙂 My parents are happiest when they are with all these crazies.
In the last three years, we’ve gained 3 kids and one special angel. Time shared together, but not feeling fully complete, will always be so
bittersweet. We miss her so much.
Thanks so much Lisa and Rodg, we are so blessed to have an incredible place to stay! I can’t wait for our next trip. I’m sure Nico will want
to jump of the top dock by then! Geesh. If you wanted to see the other two years posts, click HERE and HERE.
Now my count down is for our cousin’s wedding in Florida this November! So excited! Heart, Melanie