we went on a family vacation last week to norris lake, tenn. ali and i planned a long time ago to take olivia’s one yr pics and some family pics while we were there. the plan of events didn’t unfold how we hoped and ali and ben’s trip was cut short. they left olivia with us, so i decided to surprise ali and shoot anyway. uncle adam came along with me and entertained olivia. shooting a one year old by yourself IS impossible. she turns one saturday, but the big party isn’t for another week. we can’t wait to celebrate how much joy she has brought everyone this year! you’re so big olivia! (by the way, my dad has EVERYONE calling her “livers,” even the cousins! oy vey!)
i know i’ve said before that ali is a former librarian. she’s kind of obsessed with kids books. all the kids get books for every holiday, even valentines day. 🙂 naturally, olivia loves books too.
it’s only appropriate for olivia to have a Fancy Nancy themed party. i thought it would be perfect to photo her with one of the books!
she is working on free standing and walking. she’s doing great!
the picture on the right SO MUCH reminds me of our oldest sister brittany, as a baby. i’ve never seen britt in her face before this pic. crazy.
olivia loves her baby dolls, just like her mommy
does did. i might be slightly exaggerating, but i really think ali slept with her doll to twirl it’s hair until she was in her teens. 🙂 soon olivia will have enough hair to twirl ali, don’t worry.
ali is kind of obsessed with zulily and designer kids clothes. olivia is always wearing something you’d never see on another kid walkin’ down the street. best part is, she pays under $5 for outfits that should be $50.
olivia loved swinging in the hammock…until it flipped her upside down. shhh. 😉 don’t worry she didn’t even cry. we just had to brush the grass off her face. 😉 lol.
you are such a pretty little gal. we all love you so much. i can’t wait to watch you grow up and do all kinds of wonderful things like your mommy. we are all so thankful for the joy you’ve brought to your parents even in the hardest times this year.
don’t worry guys, they were going less than 10mph. ha! jk. kinda.
the last couple days have been extremely hard. we are all in need of a little pick-me-up. i hope this brings a smile to your face, ali and ben! you have such a beautiful little daughter. you’ve done such a great job raising her and i can’t wait to see her future unfolds. we love you guys.
my brother in law, brian, also wrote a blog post today about aunt ali. it is VERY SWEET and will likely make you cry. please click HERE to read how special ali is to all of us. there has been another game plan change, but the details are not fully in place. eventually i will update everyone, but for now, please please keep the prayers coming.
heart, aunt smelli meli