

Rachel, her mom and I  –and 30,000 other Cincinnatians– met at Washington Park for her senior session. A perfect evening to navigate parades, professional sports games and stand by to wait for the crowds pass while they catcalled this pretty lady as she posed in doorways and alleys. Perfect planning on our part, obviously.

I’m not exaggerating when I say people constantly hollered at her. You can see a guy in the reflection on the right standing there watching. Normally I’d take him out, but I kinda love he’s there reminding me how he told her she’s beautiful, and what gave her that perfect smile!

I love these!

We stumbled upon this “underground ghost lounge,” speak easy bar, where this big bouncer was letting people in and out an unmarked black door. I had ZERO clue we had secret little establishments in this city! How fun!

Love that smirk!

Every single time she has this authentic laugh like on the right, its due to strangers hollering!

Trying to smile but the loads of people walking by kept breaking her!!


Seriously hilarious, the gaggles of people that surrounded us at ALL times. I’ve never had to deal with anything like that while shooting😳 but I’m so thankful you ladies were ok with it! It really helped Rachel’s confidence, which I appreciated!! You’re such a kind, go with the flow girl, don’t ever lost that! Good luck this year! Heart, Melanie

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