
shopping spree!

generally i spend tuesdays with rachel. mercy didn’t have school today, so amy and i took rach and a couple of her friends shopping. several people

donated money and specifically asked us to take her on a fun shopping spree. well shoot. OKAY! spending others money just comes naturally

to me, so it was hardly a burden. 🙂 while i was at it, i cashed out the team rachel acct, for dramatic purposes only, to hand john a check of all the funds

we raised. i must say, the total was about 20x’s what i ever imagined. amazing people you all are. i even had random loft 3 clients send her checks. how

freakin cool. i’d REALLY love to tell you the total, but wouldn’t that be tacky? but i WILL tell you there are 870+ people rockin Team Rachel

shirts, and at more than a handful of dollars profit each… we done good, y’all. their family is very thankful.

rach is down to this adorable peach fuzz. it’s so stinkin soft. and adorable. and she wears it very well.

on to the shopping. we started with accessories. don’t worry, she didn’t buy either of these. haha.

forever XXI has a lot of pleather and i’m not really sure why. adam happened to be at kenwood picking up his work computer and when rachel

heard he was coming she wanted to make him laugh. instead it turns out she looks like a dang runway model.  she strut her stuff out of the dressing

room just goofing off to show him. we were like, ummmmm, you actually look really hot, in a strange pleather is not cool at all, kind of way.

on the right, was one of the many many adorable outfits she actually did buy.

you don’t give a few girls hundreds of dollars and expect them to walk out with any less do you? we did some damage.

i had to share this. when amy and i picked up the orginal batch of shirts, we were 40 min from home in the middle of nowhere. packed the car, ready

to go and her SUV doesn’t start. rut roh. got jumped. fixed. today, we were about to leave when she realized her keys must have fallen into the abyss

of her mary poppins bag…orrrr they fell out somewhere in the mall. awesome. as we all back tracked, st. anthony (and kenwood mall security)

came through with the keys! she has labeled me her car’s personal jinx.

sweet new fundraising item! bands for $5. message me if you’re interested.

keli from colette paperie saw rachel on the blog and emailed me asking if she could send some things to rachel. these are some of the goodies.

thanks!! she loves them! very sweet of you!

as you can see, rachel’s smile is still shining brightly. she is such a trooper. she finished her 3rd round of chemo with very little complications, which

is practically unheard of with her. she still has to deal with severe bone aches, hurling for hours on end, and ridiculous fatigue. she is slowly getting

used to all the daily shots, and handfulls of pills. she has been attending as much school as she can, which has been way more than i would have

ever thought she could. even though she’s playing catch up every second of the day, she’s still maintaining A’s and b+’s. how is that possible?! kids

who are healthy and attend class regularly can’t even keep a B average. whew. great job girlfriend!

thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support. john shared a number of beautiful stories how complete strangers are reaching out

in big and even little ways. her team rachel facebook fanpage has over 1,000 people on it!! amazing. keep sharing the love.

heart, melanie.

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