A sweet little newborn entered our family just after Thanksgiving, hours away from sharing Nico’s bday! Little cutie is Nash Nunery!
Right off the bat he showed me his best side because, obviously, I’m his new favorite person.
Frog belly and baby toes.
I think Daddy’s beard tickled him!
Even though you were laughing at my directions, I still love this adorableness.
I suppose many of you faithful blog readers may be so so confused right now. Well, basically this is such a love story orchestrated from above
that you’ll have no choice but to pick your jaw up off the floor. Long story short, Ben and Lesley went to art school together. Lesley married
one of Ben’s best friends (Mike was part of the original Powerhouse crew). Not long after Ali passed, Mike too, passed of cancer. 🙁
Thus leaving both Lesley and Ben with their young children as single parents. As they both were grieving the same loss, their support for
each other quickly became deeper. On a level to which they both could only fully grasp feelings of new love and the importance of keeping
the spirit of their first loves alive. A perfect fit. They married last summer and then before we knew it, they were a family of five!
How about that, right?? God’s grace in action.
Holy good looking family!! I LOVE THIS.
This is the coolest part to me. Kaizer and Olivia straight up look like siblings?! I mean, that’s just crazy.
Olivia has been begging for her own baby for forever. I’m not sure she ever expected to gain two brothers so quickly, but she loves it! 🙂
I was testing the light and being goofy before placing the baby on his chest and well, this.
That liiiiiiip.
Wonky toes are my favorite. We have lots of them around here.
Nash was alert the entire two hours. FINALLY he gave in!
There’s something extra special about this little baby hand. Besides the chubby little candy corn fingers which I just want to kiss.
Nash’s soul came with extra sweetness. If you look at his palm, you’ll see the crease straight across where there should be two lines
going opposite ways. This is one of the markers for Trisomy 21. I’ll spare you the google search, it’s known mainstream as Down Syndrome.
Let it be known, in no way is this a sad thing for Ben, Lesley, or any of us! The pure joy and zest Nash will have for life, is something
to celebrate.We are so excited to watch Nash Potatoes grow and thrive!!
Nash is doing great, settling in at home while everyone is adjusting to all the changes! It was such a big year for the Amanns/Nunerys and
they’ve repeatedly said, they would just like to chill for all of 2017. 🙂 And to answer the same burning question everyone always has after
they ask how Olivia is doing…”How is my family with all of this?” We are wonderful! We knew Lesley and Mike before all this and she’s
wonderful! It’s not weird or awkward for me. Time has to move forward and we all still grieve what is lost, but she gets it. Lesley and I can
easily connect with lots of common interests so that’s made this transition so easy. We’re all thankful they’ve found each other and
happiness again! Heart, Melanie.