With Brayden’s story being much different than his big brothers was, an uneventful birth and regular old discharge was such a big deal for the Besslers. I was so happy to hear he came straight home!
So content in his parent’s arms!
Big cousin, Aubrey (and I believe with help from Aunt Sandy) made this big ol comfy blanket for the baby!
I love it!
Working on “geeentle” touches.
Grayson insisted Daddy read the world’s largest book to him. But before Alex could get any words out, he was already back running around.
We tried our best with just these handsome little boys. I love Jackie’s hand in the corner preventing him for dashing out of the scene. All boy moms can relate to the early days of toddler brothers being too busy to sit and cuddle with their new baby.
He sure loved his “necklace” though!
Brayden was wide awake the entire time I was there!
The images tell the story on their own.
Well congrats again! I’m glad this go around was so much smoother in all the ways! It’s nice to experience having an infant in the typical way instead of just visiting him in the NICU and leaving empty handed.
Much more fun to have them crying all day and night in your own house while a toddler climbs all over you!
I’m sure it’ll continue to go well and he will be an easy baby! Honestly, if you haven’t already noticed, toddlers are much more difficult than infants!
Have fun adjusting to the crazy! Heart, Melanie