
The Brylas.

Some mornings I find myself on the edge of my bed, palm to face rubbing side to side, sucking in a big gulp of air, wondering how another week, month, even year has passed by so quickly. There’s always subtle reminders of the time slipping through our fingers as quick as sand as my fine lines grow deeper, but then theres the times when I’m taken out by the full wave realizing my daughter nearly looks me eye to eye. 🥺We spend so much energy in denial trying to fight time and it’s heaviness on our bodies and minds that we really have to force ourselves to focus in on the wonderful new stages we are in! How quickly I went from the young tight skinned, high energy, feather weight that is now these two, to the brink of 40years old?!!?!  😳 The whole session with these ladies, my brain was trapped in this confused state of JESUS YOU GUYS ARE SO PRETTY to rejecting the idea that Sophia is in college in just a few months. NO. THANK. YOU. While we still have a few more years of Isabella growing, she’s already showing us the full picture of a young women. So much so that I forget she isn’t even near driving age yet! Buuuut will be in a couple blinks!

It’s clear they get their beauty from their mama!!

This wall was as perfect as their ability to be outstanding models in front of it!!😍

You guys are so cute!!

Love this laugh, Stace!


You guys look like sisters instead of a Mom/daughter combo!!

Can we just note that it was overcast and raining all morning and barely 50º and these girls were showing all this skin! I mean, I know beauty is pain but like, I would have been shaking from shivering so aggressively had my skin not been covered in layers that morning!!


Iz had no problems sliding into the model role. She was just as confident and smooth as ever. You guys are just gorgeous.

Y’all.🤣 This older gentleman was unloading his truck behind these buildings and yelled over to us, “Hey, theres some rustic steps back here if you want to use them, over in that fenced in area.” Me forever chasing new scenery and never trying to be rude, was like, ‘Ok great! We will check it out, thanks!’ Stacey hesitates as a skeptical brain should, “Is this going to be a Silence of the Lambs situation where we step into his gates and the leaves give way and we all fall in into a pit?” Me, “Oh. Hmmm. Well the fence isn’t that high, we could jump it if he locks us in.” 😆

I wish you guys were closer and I could see all your cheer and tumbling skills!! I’ve missed so much more of your life with you almost an hr away!!!

The stars like never ever align well with all the things on the calendar. Ironically the boys track meet was out in Morrow, only 2 minutes from where the ladies live. I thought I was going to miss their whole morning but instead, I saw the beginning, left and shot and then came back and still saw another few hrs of the meet! Since we were all so close, they popped by to see the kids. Sophia’s jaw immediately dropped seeing Nico has passed her in height. HA!

I just can’t say it enough how proud I am of all three of you girls. It’s been far from easy from the start and raising these girls to be so kind, loving and mature, you’ve done so well, Stace! I hope you had a great time at Prom that night, Soph! Can’t wait to see how UC goes for you in the Fall! You’ll be amazing. Love you guys. Heart, Melanie

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Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!