This session is a year and a half overdue! OOPS, ma bad! :0 Just before they got engaged last year, I had just taken pics of them on the beach so I told
them to wait till this fall for their “engagement session.” So happy 5.5 months of Mawwiage! (Sad story that you’re probs too young to even get that
reference. Sigh.) ANYWHO. I met them at their cute lil house and we played.
(This image is only first because Facebook is annoying and previews only the first blog image so I wanted it to be HOT. Clickbbait. Duh.) How sexy is
everything about this image?!?!
They popped some bubbly to start the sesh. One of my kids old drawings in the foreground makes my heart happy.
“Pull her in close.” Translated in Chase’s head, “grab my wife’s cute little toosh.” She cleary DID NOT expect that. LOL.
Light test=Beautiful portrait. NoJo came along to watch and asked for a pic during said light metering. <3
Hey guys, you’re pretty!
The biggest reason they wanted this house was because it sits on a lake. Chase grew up going to a lake so he was excited to bring his
gear to his very own house!
“Don’t fall in the lake!”
Those genuine laughs! <3
Voyer level: max.
Nori took a pic of me that I posted on my Instagram of how I got this shot. What the image doesn’t show is me engaging all the stabilizer
muscles, wobbling on very uneven land on top a 6ft wooden ladder and all the expletives I was yelling holding two cameras
dangling on top of the pond.
The sun has barely been around for weeks. I was SO SO THRILLED it was clear skies that night!!
The sun was setting fast and so perfectly!
I was a slightly bummed that the trees were only partially golden and not red as well, but whatevs. Reflections still gorgeous.
The real fun began when I got in the kayak with about 15k of equipment! Super relaxing to balance, especially since their was already resting
water in the bottom. EEK!
Switching out all of the lenses because magic was happening in split seconds of placement and angle timing between our separate boats and the sun.
Also, super fun (::major eye roll::) that they couldn’t sit side by side because of weight placement annnnd tipping. So how many
poses can we do with barely moving? BAHAHHA.
I love this smile, Chase! He was laughing at me as I was floating away and screaming, “Dammmit! Boat!! STOP moving!” We’d both paddled
back to where I wanted the sun positioned…pick camera back up…floating away again. “GAHHHH!” The boat’s listening skills were sub par at best.
It’s like a movie! So dreamy!
Also, so much to be said about exposures with a dark tree line and shooting into the sun! Trick.EEE.
This love is so sweet but how about that magnificent water droplet!!!
Also, in that very beginning aerial boat shot, with all weight in the aft, they took on quite a bit of water. Whooopsies.
Rachel was super thrilled I asked her to sit in it! :-0 Worth it.
This cute dock on the opposite side of the lake!!
I hustled back to get them rowing in and my jaw about dropped when I saw the potential of the shot.
I loved the sun catching on the water like ripples of silk, so I kept asking Chase to smack the water with his paddle…while also holding this romantic pose. HA!
It was basically black out and I was so glad the light was gone because I probably would have kept shooting 6 more hours. 🙂
I’m sorry you guys and your lake were so photogenic! How will you ever chose what to print!? Hope you love them as much as I love you!
Heart, Melanie.