
The Cowells.

Reese can’t get enough of baby Morgan. She wants to hold her allllll of the time. I hope the novelty doesn’t wear off and she stays obsessed!

She didn’t really sleep the whole 2.5hrs I was shooting, more of slow blinking and occasional very brief “naps.”

Maybe check the expiration on that Reese Cup, she appears to be rotten. 😬

Reese loves her baby dolls and now that she has a breathing baby doll, her world has been made!

Hi pretty girl!!

😍😍😍 Those Glankler genes are strong!!

Round rosey cheeks!!😍

Sleep? I think not! How about I fling my head around and show you how nosey I am instead!

So maybe necks just aren’t part of the Glankler/Cowell blended DNA? I’m totally ok with it!

The entrance of their home is basically a Loft3 gallery wall.😍

Mama NoJo took the image on the right. I was like, dang, I don’t even need to straighten the image! Well done, Nori!

Morgan is nursing like a champ. Reese was unable to, so Rachel decided to pump for the year so Reese would still get her milk the first 18mths. This little lady is saving Mama so much work by taking it straight from her! So exciting!

I love those flushed cheeks. My boys were running around and keeping Reese busy when we didn’t need her and her cheeks prove she was having so much fun with them. 🤣

Nori asked Sunday night, when I was shooting the baby and lost her ever loving mind that she would be in school that day.The bigs were off school on Monday and Nori was like, WHY AREN’T YOU SHOOTING MONDAY SO WE CAN MEET THE BABYYYYY!! I didn’t want to bring the circus into the face of a fresh postpartum mom but Rach was ok with it so they were overjoyed to meet their new cousin!

It’s all tied up, now! Glad Morgan is a girl instead of adding to what Reese calls  “those crazy boys!”

I’m so proud Reese is being a good big sister! Adjusting to man to man defense seems exhausting at first but y’all will transition just fine! You’ve been practicing with our circus for years! Looking forward to our Reese sleepover this weekend.😍 Love you guys. Heart, Aunt Mel


Some hilarious, “BE GENTLE!!” moments. 🤣🤣🤣

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