
The Cowells.

Those teeth will get me every time!

Reese has become quite the character. I was so busy getting Morgan and JP to focus that I didn’t even notice how silly she was being!

These are so perfect!

Always happy, even when falling on his face.

Five yrs ago in the same place…

And now this! Wowzas, y’all are blessed!

Reese looks like she’s going to count to three and then start handing out punishments.

Got your nose! Ope! Got your hair too! Bahhaha. Meanwhile Chase smiles through his hair being ripped out. 🙂

The best.

Proudly crawling off the instant he’s put down.

LOOK. AT.AUNT.MEL!!!!! hahahahahah. He found it too hilarious to dip his head and bolt.

That sun was


<3 <3

Reese kept doing this weird upright crab walk. The girls were behind me and Rachel decided to make them laugh by mimicking her. HA!

He’s def going to be as handsome as his Daddy!

Mama NoJo came along to corral with me. I just realized that Nori is now the age you were, a freshman, when I STOPPED coaching you?! Time is such a thief that you don’t even realized how much has passed. 🙁

Even with all 5 of you feeling crummy and congested, you’d never know! Way to pull through. Love you guys. You’re perfect.  Heart, Melanie

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