
The Currins.

All these sweet little blondies. Bunch of hams!

I was so busy trying to keep the attention of Henry and making him laugh, I didn’t even notice the baby smirking.😆

She wasn’t quite sure what was happening but it stopped the fussing so we went with it.

Edie is like, “do you see what I’m working with here?” 🤣

Gaggle of pretty humans!

At first when Brett was looking up like that I said, you planning to launch her orrr?! 🤣 Settled with The Lion King. 😍


When the biggest demands to be swung, you just are never really sure what will happen. Will they get drug because way too tall? Will they attempt to kick over and backflip like boys love to do without warning? It’s a crap shoot but I’m always willing to try. 😆

Henry and those glasses. Nearly every second they were crooked on his face plus the reflection, so they took them off for some shots. Mindblowing how he looks like a completely different kid?!

I wanted to get just mom and dad, so Brett casually walked up and nearly tossed the baby in Gemma’s arms. She was like, “Daaaad!?” “What? You got her! You’re good!” Then she looks at me like, “Did you see that?” And she was just fine, but nonetheless, if you know Brett, you can picture the scenario and laugh along. 😆

Leigh’s look of contentment. Like, can I just rest here for a little while and just let those kids be kids over there. 😴😴😴

Chaos, yes. But did we still find the joy? Also yes. 😍 Sometimes it’s the rotten crazy ones that make the best images because they don’t hold back the big emotions. Unapologetically themselves. I love the kids that show me who they are straight away. 💓 Hope you guys made it to football! See you and the crazies around! Heart, Melanie

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