The Days have been telling me forever they want a big family pic and well, this hasn’t been an easy thing to accomplish! Adam’s fam is in Naples, Barb is still near Boston and Em is far away in Denver! They finally all came in town for Christmas and ummmm unfortunately we didn’t get the 70º Christmas Day weather a few days prior. 😩 SOOO we.were.freezing. Sun was helpful but intense wind in the middle 30s, no bueno.
I mean, if you saw the literal screaming and crying, you’d be hella impressed that we got them to cooperate. This was the shot Maura’s been asking for most so, YAY! Nori was next to me handing out all the candy while Duane, Sabrina and I continuously made a ruckus enough to distract them from crying and maybe even get some smiles!! I’d say it was a success!
You guys look great!
I haven’t seen Zoe and Finola in aaaaaages! 😍
I told them the same as I tell everyone, ‘the closer you are, the warmer you are!!’ As I started to snap I started laughing because I had thought that was Em’s hand on her hip then was like no? Wait? Whose hand is that on Em’s belly??? Barb sneaking in that extra affection. 😆 I love it.
Would have loved to see Justin to complete this pic! Y’all are pretty darn good looking.
There’s a lot happening in this image and I find it all quite funny. 😍
We tried. We really gave it our best. 😂 It was a bit of a ‘drop ’em and run’ method for those unhappy bookends.🤪
Though the background is pretty sparse, I still love it, especially with your colors!
Had to share cause Zac and Ruthie are still adorbs!
Since it was 45min of freezing wind and chaos at the park, we went to Mamaw’s for the second 45min hoping to get anything we could of happy kids. These two are little BFFs.
Barb holding baby Barb.
My favorite part of this hilarity is being able to see Em in the background causing them all to react this way. 😍
Maybe next year Maia bean will like me. 😆
These brats watching from the warmth inside finding it funny that the defeated all the adults.
Zac needing to be held, which feels appropriate as he’s her third child.
She’s trouble and she knows it.
And I had to include these gems for your enjoyment. I meaaaaan. Ya. We tried. 🤣😭
Barb really wanted a pic of the 4 girls in matching dresses. Miri was absolutely not having it and Maia wouldn’t let go of Adam. Hahahaha. Barb is just feeling what every other mom feels 90% of picture days. COME ON MAN! JUST ONE SMILE. DONT EVEN SMILE! I DONT CARE! JUST STAND THERE WITHOUT ME! 🤣 Dang it’s so easy to laugh at, but we all know that pain as we’ve been there many a times!. 😭
I like Em’s idea of just meeting us in Florida when I shoot there next fall. It’ll be an easy 50º warmer so we will have that going for us. 😬 If nothing else, I thoroughly enjoyed spending a couple hours with you guys. I love the chaos when it’s not my children causing it! It’ll be better next time but I’m glad we still got some great shots! It certainly wasn’t a full bust!! 🥰 Love you guys. Heart, Mel