A smile from Mama’s kiss!
Sweetest lil guy!
I said, ‘you guys can kiss!’ And Abby immediately went to kiss the new man in her life while the other was left hanging, as we cracked up. Johnny and I were on the same page. 🙂
So beautiful!
The little monkey grip on his toesssss.
I said this time, ‘You can kiss him!” “Which one?!” Hahaha.
This expression is the best! I also thought he was raising his brow to achieve those sweet little wrinkles but they seem to stick around in other images! I love them!
This is a home made blanket from Johnny’s birth in ’95! Turns out that George was the exact same weight!
As I’m sitting here feeling sweet nostalgia over the umbilical cord, my 10yr olds are actually gagging. ‘Crop that out! Gross! WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT?!’ Hahaha.
All the congrats! I’m sure Georgie is going to have the best time with you goofs as parents! Can’t wait to see him grow! Heart, Melanie