
The Jaspers.

Alexander became a big brother!

On gray winter days, I spend a lot of time close to the windows. 😍

Andrew had a bit of a rough start. From a very quick delivery, a double cord wrap, resuscitation!, clean break through clavicle, high jaundice levels

and two wicked devil horns hematomas! And I’m not even sure I remembered it all! Even through the extra hospital stay, swelling and healing,

he’s been a real champ!! Keep it up!

I think they’ll keep him!

I can hear the giggles!

With jaundice comes extra heal sticks. Poor buddy!

Nicole commented a couple times on how much she loves his fine baby hair and how in some light it looks like a beard. I said, I think I can

capture that just right so you’ll never forget! 😍

Pretty clear that no fun is ever had in this house! 😆

His startle reflex was raging this day. It was adorable.

I really didn’t notice how much he looks like you til that image on the right!

You look so pretty, Nicole! I love this joy you share with your son!

Congrats on becoming a family of four!! Sorry things were so rough at first! Glad they’re calming down now! Good luck, you’re

doing great! Heart, Melanie

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