Y’all are in for a treat with these cuties. By the end of scrolling, you will feel the exhaustion of these parents with this super active, hilarious, 18mth old and their new baby! 😍
Collin be like, “SAVE ME!”
Rightfully so, Declan, still a baby himself, has no time to stop and understand this new brother of his. So putting them together like this was a quick realization of, ya, this isn’t going to work. Bahaha.
Mama snuggles can keep them close tho!
That very impressive George Costanza couch pose!!!🤣😭
Collin is sad. Daddy sings his made up ‘Daddy is the best’ song. Collin is happy.😍
I know this child. I had/have three of him in my home. That devious but adorable, I’ll do what I want and you can’t yell at me because I’m so damn cute, look. He has no fear and will never stop testing the limits. I recommend finding your closest urgent care and storing their address and hours because you’ll be a frequent flyer soon enough. (CCHMC main campus is always like 1k more than urgent care. Facts we learned real quick!)
Running away, then running back. Repeat all day. 😴
When Mommy is faster than you and swoops you up!
Collin was so sweet and calm. With a wild brother, I know they’re thankful for that! I’ll check back in a year when Collin is walking. HA!
Kristin has done a wonderful job with their house. So bright and trendy!
Hand on hip he’s like, “Thanks for that 3min of quiet, Declan. I really enjoyed that catnap.” 🙄
Non stop games to keep him busy!
Daddy looks like a young Mark Ruffalo here!😍
Their young and fit Grandma was in the background offering helping hands oooor a cuddle! #GrandmaGoals
How adorable is that backwards hat!!
Declan gave us literally 1/60 of a second of sitting down before arching his back and getting to the ground to run into the grass. He loves the outside!
Finished up by focusing on little man since big bro ran the party the entire time. “I’m adorable toooo!”😍
It was hard to remember he was only a month because he’s such a big boy! Half expected him to just sit up by himself!
It was great to meet you guys and document your crazy! Whether you wanted a lifestyle session or not, that’s all that can happen with a high energy, super fast boy on your hands. It’s way more fun to just let him be and have fun than trying to force him into posing he’s very much uninterested in! What a ball of personality! You have some exhausting fun years ahead! It’ll be amazing when the dynamic changes once they start playing together!😍 Happy holidays! Heart, Melanie