Baby Ingrid Emerson was not even a week old when I met her and she was so happy to see me!
She did lots of nursing during our session and I was so impressed with how relaxed and natural Krissi was. Though, I’m not surprised as Krissi also falls
into the attachment parenting category. Needless to say, we had lots to talk about while she was feeding! 😉
So beautiful, both of you!
It was John’s bday this day, I think he was turning 23? That right, John? HBD, ol’man!
The sweetest.
Cute lil familia!
I can so easily hear the sweet sound of a mama shushing her baby. Those fleeting moments we all look back on and ache over when they turn one, much less
much older! Seems so far away, I assure you new parents, it’s just around the corner.
Your home was beautiful and I’m glad I finally got to work with you guys! Great to see you! Much love. Heart, Melanie.