
The Klemses.

My word, look at these beautiful girls I have the honor of calling my nieces!

Being another big sister figure to Rachel, Team Klems skipped school and work to come watch the nuptials as well! Five years ago, we did their family

 shots on the beach when Mia was barely able to stably stand in the sand!

Carly curled Banana’s hair and it was so dang pretty!

There once was a time we dreamed of an “easy” AND fun family photo time. That time has come! Yay!

Tortilla is in first grade this year and I can’t even digest that information.

These girls and Brian have no idea how blessed they are to have such a wonderful Mommy/wife. Britt has always been a great role model for me, but I

look up to her more now than ever. Maybe it’s because she’s approaching her wise years into the 40’s? :0  So thankful for her to be my “constant”

and never ending support. <3 Always the level headed sounding board I need! (Also, that golden hour on the beach is no joke!)

Because what successful author doesn’t need an updated “sexy” headshot. 😮

When you’re trying to stand out in the family dance contest…

But your 8yo daughter shows you up.

And that same daughter is rotten to the core! I was just trying to capture my beautiful sister and then the little evil child is standing there like a

creep. ANNA!! You have too much personality! But for reals, BRITT! You’ve never looked better!

The years keep flying by and these dang kids are growing like weeds. One of those girls are going to catch you real soon, Britt. Makes me have

anxiety thinking about it too!! ACK! They’re all so intelligent and well rounded that I’m so excited for their futures!! Heart, Aunt Mel.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!