Look at these goobs.😍
Cooper is always so loving to Emmie. 😍
These sweet little faces!!
I can totally hear this image!😍
The hilarity of trying to get them to not only both stay seated, but close enough together AND looking. 🤣
You guys are adorable!
Loved that huge smile from Coop!
My favorite part about fall sessions is when kids will proudly show me a leaf they just found. I’ll ask if they want a picture with it and the answer is always, yes! Then they covet it the rest of the session as if theres not 1283979847 ones just like it on every inch of the ground we’re walking on. 😆
{Notice said leaf}
I don’t wanna do this anymore, Daddy…
They’re both throwing around that side eye so naturally. 😆
Emmie put on her shades and was all, peace out, I’m happily done with this! 😎
You guys did great! I love watching the dynamic of the two of them together as they age. Wish we could see you guys more often!! Hopefully we will have Thanksmas this year! Heart, Melanie