I have so many repeat birth families that I’m supposed to be shooting in the hospital and chalk it up to another thing Covid is ruining! I feel
so bad because it’s out of my control!! But at least I was able to get to Winnie just a few days after her birth!
The Grandparents popped in for a second to hold their new beebs!
They’re both pretty pumped to have a baby sis!
I pulled up to their house and was like, well look at them livin in the American dream house! How adorbs!
Scrunched noses!😍
Double chin! Well done, Mama!!
Little sweeties! And Callie is playing with Emily’s childhood dollhouse!💞
You look beautiful, Emily!
As I was walking out they were like BUT WE DIDN’T DO ANY SILLY ONES!!
I had fun hanging out with you guys! It was nice to have that heartfelt convo at the end too! Adult convo is hard to come by these days, isn’t it? 🤣
Great to see you and meet little Winifred! I hope she stays so chill and easy for you! Thanks for having me. 😍 Heart, Melanie