
The Osterkamps.

I haven’t shot these guys in a minute and I’d forgotten how Nora is such an outgoing ham.

You’re so adorable, Emily!

CJ was amusing himself and then realized he was making all of us laugh and went harder.

I didn’t even mean to put them in a heart shape and was all, “awwww” when I realized it. 😆

It’s always so hard to use this mural because of constant traffic or harsh sun! We had an over cast, slow morning! WIN!

I wish I knew what was happening here!!🤣

I’m willing to bet Emily and Chris talk more about their kids hair than anything else about them. It’s SO hard not to talk about it! Seriously mind-blowing to me.

So nice having older kids who can just hop up and do what they’re told! Remember when the twins were infants and it felt impossible just to get them to both lay still and not cry at the same time. 🤣 They’ve come a long way!!

So thankful the rain held off! It ended up being perfect! The kids are just getting more hilarious and adorable as the years pass! Keep up the good work! Happy Friday! Heart, Melanie

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