
The Richmonds.

These cuties are having a baaaaaby! Like real soon!😍

Lots of growth has happened since last yr. Like we barely had to even chase these monkeys this go around!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Twin bonds are the best! 😍😍😍

He wanted to find purple flowers. We were like ummmmm how about magenta? That’s the best we can offer?🀣🀣

I want da pink flowers!

Love love looooove!!

The kids are so affectionate! They kept going in for kisses and I just adore that!

That tree bokeh!😍

Will’s joy and Addy giving those wide eyes! Totally her goofiness and I love it!

The kids were done and Megan and I were just standing there catching up and I was like, ok, sorry…I just need to grab one more. You look so radiant in that light. 😍

Looking forward to meeting the new beeb!! I hope the rest of the pregnancy is so boring and as smooth as it can possibly be! See you sooner than later!!

Heart, Melanie

And because this is what raising kids really looks like πŸ˜†:

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