These two little crazy kids weren’t enough for Mom and Dad so they said, why not lose our minds a little further and add a baby!
Thankfully Nora is a calm baby and just hung out with very little being fuss! Yay Nora, don’t stop being so nice to your parents!
Addison is looking at me like, you watching Will touch my baby? I’ll allow it this one time.
Suns out, guns out!
That glance to his sister! 😍
I kicked the big kids out to go have a snack and work with just the baby. Megan was in the middle of flipping her around and all the sudden, there’s Addy like, I’ll have my baby back now, please!
Nora trying to find where the giggles are coming from behind her! “It’s me! Addy!”
She was only one week old but looked so much bigger!
Dad was on crowd control to keep the monkeys away. That’s certainly one way to keep them from jumping in the background! 🤣
Addison sure does think this new baby is hers!
I attempted to get some shots of the kids in their room but…
🤣 I’ll just say they were excited for their 3rd birthday, the following day. 🥰
There’s a dog behind them and between these two and the dog constantly playing musical chairs, I was like, you know what, it’s fine. Leave the poor old dog be, the twins are squeezed in and can’t get out, I don’t want to ruin that. 🤣
I’ll never forget the first car ride with all 4 kids when they were each were crying hysterically. It was such chaos that I looked at Adam in the drivers while taking a deep breath, palm to forehead like, 🥴Jesus, what have we done? Bahahahha. It only got better from there though. It’s a learning curve to figure out the crazy and priority of which child to manage first, who will explode the most intensely without immediate attention. 😆 It’ll be fun, soon. Well, like in 2-10 years. But you’ll get there. 😘 I’ll enjoy from the sidelines cause I’m mostly on the other side now, a different type of crazy! Hope y’all have a wonderful holiday season!! Heart, Melanie