I do believe that’s a smiling little boy! Maybe hearing his sister’s giggles in his sleep made him smile too!
Wanting to be done with this, since 3 seconds after I got there. 🤣🤣 Zoe did great though, hung in like a champ!
She had a constant nose itch, which lead to non stop shoving her finger up there. It was hilarious and in 10yrs she’ll be so embarrassed by this image!🤣 I love it!🤷🏼♀️
Baby sneezes!
In just one week, River already learned that side eye from Zoe. Let’s hope he doesn’t master it like she has. 😬🤣
Played some monkey see, monkey do. These may be my favorite 6 frames of the session. 😬 Please hang this series in her room!
Hot Mama!
That poop face and explosion in her hand, startling Jenna. 🤣🤣
Such a pretty boy!
Of course the Zoe Show carried on as we gave all our attention to River. 🤣
“Just a couple more, baby. You’re doing great!” “I’m just too tirrrred!” 🤣🤣🤣 She pulled it together though!
What a funny afternoon! Sassafras has turned into quite the comedian! I wonder what kind of personality River will have in order to compete for ANY attention over Zoe!😬 He will probably just be chill like Daddy! See y’all next weekend when we add more crazy to your session! Heart, Melanie