These BA’s hung out with me in overcast 30º temps and smiled like champs.
So sweet!
These kids are all so beautiful!!
Two things Stiles loves most, his Mama and of course, his ambulance.🥰
He always responds to Annaliese, but when he doesn’t, she takes charge of him anyway. 🤣
I must say, Tolzmann is finally cooperating through picture time, but he hasn’t caged that inner beast 100% just yet. We are getting there, Sara! Only taken 10 yrs but we’ve worn him down.🤣 Also, I enjoy how your red beard matches your shirt so nicely. 🧐
Stiles sweet face of, I’m trying so hard for you, while Violet walked around setting up her own shots never wanting me to take the camera off her. 😆
Conquered another year! Let that deep breath go! We did it! Hope Stiles got ‘to go to the pharmacy’ and get his reward, he worked hard for me! 🥰 See you soon at all the upcoming dance competitions! Heart, Melanie