This pretty crew! 😍
These two have been through a lot together. 💞
What a difference between this year and last! I’m so proud of Stiles! I know it’s a lot of work for the little guy to hang in there, but he sure rocked it!
This diva wishes it was just her and the camera for the entire session. Violet is so entertaining.😍
Violet stepped up and just started moving pose to pose.🤣 I was like, ok cool, I’ll just keep snapping while you do your thang.😆
Those lips!😘
Maybe she’s born with it…maybe it’s…
Annaliese is THE BEST big sister. She has incredible patience with both kids but especially Stiles, like seriously off the charts. Just her knowledge of how to redirect him and keep him from frustration is something of a professional. Seriously, Annaliese, you best go into special ed, SO many children can be touched by your tender heart!! Watching you made me proud, so I can only imagine how grateful Christian and Sara are!
Stiles pulled a doozy of a one liner on me. I was NOT expecting the phrase from him so we all about died!! Hilarious.
We got so much good stuff this year! Great job, y’all! I know its exhausting, but so worth it! See ya around at the dance comps! Watching Annaliese never gets old! Heart, Melanie