
The Uhls.

It’s been awhile since I shot this gang but they acted like no time has passed!

The boys are still cute little guys to me, but Sophie!! WOAH. She’s not even in HS yet but looks like she’s graduating!

You’re such a happy little bird, Kara! Smiles for days!😍

Models! You’re all models!

James was so certain he wasn’t going to laugh for me, but then Dad gottem! 😍

Some height separates these twins for now but there’s no denying their connection. 😍

Owen just being his goofy self!

When the changing leaves are as big as your head, you just have to!!

You’d be shocked how challenging it is to focus on tiny flecks of the wheat grass as he attempted to hold the loooong strand and tip steady. Which it turns out is an incredibly difficult task especially with wind involved!

I laugh at this image of Owen because we were just walking to the car but boys can forever not walk normal…so PARKOUR to the car! Just like every other little boy I know!!🤣

The kids are adorbs and so patient too! I should apologize to them for waiting so nicely in the car as we chatted away after! It’s been forever, but thankful for social media making it seem like just a normal year gap between seeing people! Good luck on this new children’s book coming out! And when the day comes decades from now when I decide to pick a subject and gather all the unique stories to journal, I’ll be sure to involve you. 🤣 But don’t hold your breath! 😘 Heart, Melanie

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