Since I’ve stopped my birth photography, I couldn’t be there for Julian’s birth! We settled on an in home session, which was even better to have them all relaxed in their own environment!
The boys all did great!
The funniest part about shooting veteran moms, whether they know me well or not, is how relaxed they are. Minutes after I walked in, she was changing the baby’s diaper as I stood there talking. She finished and just turns to me and hands him off while walking away to start next task. 😍 A comfortable, unspoken understanding from one mom of 4 to the other, I trust you and we both know if you’re in our house, it’s just all hands on deck. 😂 🤷🏼♀️
Julian was very much awake for at least the first hour!
Scheming about how many times he wanted to wake mom up that night.
Alisha and I commiserated about what it’s like to raise 3 big boys. This is exactly what we said. Black or white. It’s either this…
Or this… Cuddles or blood.
Auntie was a big helper!
I was cracking up because it’s so easy to see the color palette Alisha loves.
Sweet boys!!
😍 Bits of their personalities shining through.
I had told them they just had to give me a few ‘nice’ photos then they can do whatever they wanted. 😆
You’re welcome, Brian.
I feel ya, mama. I feel ya. 🤪
30 seconds with each kid🥰
The way Naenae calmly kept the boys busy.
The way Dad kept them busy.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Brian is all dads postpartum.
Congrats, y’all! Felt like I was playing with my own boys as your boys jumped and hung on me just the same. Makes my job so much easier when kids let me in so quickly! Good job Mom and Dad! I’ll see ya again before you know it! 😍Heart, Melanie