
The Williamsons.

Look at these cuties!

The wind was relentless on their poor hair. Non stop adjusting, which was funny for me, maybe not them. 😬

Love this! You two took really great portraits together which is not typical for those together 20+ yrs. Even that quickly spouses are β€˜meh’ about snuggling, much less for more than one frame!!

Jessica wanted Smale because she loves the Roebling so we got multiple angles of it!

Handsome boys!

Dave and Jessica, you two show your emotions so well. I love that for your boys to witness your big feelings!

Jessica was flying her way down the walk way like a little kid and it made me smile so much. Never let go of that kid inside!!

Mom trying her best to make her teenagers relax and have fun. πŸ˜† They actually did great!

Adam was amusing himself while I was shooting the others.πŸ˜†

Nice to see you guys. Only a couple weeks left, Ryan! Enjoy the home cooked meals while you can!! πŸ˜‰ Have a wonderful summer, guys!

Heart, Melanie

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