
Dragons FIFTH Berfday Booth

These dragons just turned FIVE. How are my teeny tiny, used to pass them off IN ONE HAND, babies…FIVVVVE. Gross. I hate it.

However, these cute little dudes now direct their own photos which is pretty fun. They tell ME what I’ll be shooting.

“No! ARI! You have to look MAD AT ME!!”

The end caps were excited they were finally “a WHOLE hand old!!” While Nico exclaims he’s more than a “HAND AND A HALF!!” and

Nori is all, “whatever, 2 full hands over here, ya babies.”

Imma blink and I won’t be able to get my arms around all four of them at once anymore. 😩😭

This party was the final party of the holidays. From Thanksgiving to New Years day, we have a revolving door. I think we counted 10 different

events we hosted? Which is completely normal in that 30 days for us but this image to me is “WE MADE IT!!” January 2 can’t come soon enough

for me the second August 1 begins.

Oh look, Nori’s leg is in the air! What a shocker!

JoJos smile. I just can’t. 🤣🤣🤣


Proving girls are strong too!


Even though we all hate how fast our kids grow…there’s something to be said about the sweetness of independence. They just do all the things on

their own now?! I’m super not sad about not being pulled or needed 85times a minute. And just being able to pick up and go without feeding schedules

and naps and bags of diapers and strollers and fighting jackets with harness buckles and all.that.stuff. This freedom is nice. In ten years,

I’ll be sad, for sure, but dayuum, it feels good to be a gangsta.

Nicki and I forgot to do a shot together at the party so after yoga we took a few.🤣 Hence, change of clothes.

Ezra’s dance moves😍

This was only 2 weeks ago and it feels like 3 yrs have passed already. 🧐 The last 6 days we painted all there was to paint in our kitchen and now

we are just waiting on the counter tops to be installed. Winter is cold and dreary but I get to do super exciting personal projects that bring back

the creative juices that were drained out of me since summer. Strange to say that winter is revitalizing because that feels so contradictory but

I crave the ability to shut my computer at 6 and do exhilarating things in the evening…like paint and power tools!! The best!😍

Heart, The Pace Circus.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!